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Cornerstone Test

Real Dollars To Your Bottom Line And Increase In Employees Pay

Calculation for AK, FL, NV, NH, SD, TN, TX, WA, WY.


Item Value
Non-Tax Income Savings $14,300.00
Total Non-Tax Income Savings
Company Tax Savings
Employee Tax Savings
Combined Company and Employee Windfall

Calculation for AK, FL, NV, NH, SD, TN, TX, WA, WY.


Item Value
Non-Tax Income Savings $14,300.00
Total Non-Tax Income Savings
Company Tax Savings
Employee Tax Savings
Combined Company and Employee Windfall

Disclaimer: for illustration purposes only, actual numbers may vary

Cornerstone Program

ACA Compliance

Our plan combinations assure you are in total compliacne with the ACA.

Cornerstone Program

Healthy Employees

Minimal Essential Care, Wellness / Health Risk Assessment and Telehealth.

Cornerstone Program

Reduced Payroll Taxes

Our Section 125 compliance nets employers an average of $35/month per participant.

ACA Compliant MEC Plan

  • Preventative Screening
  • No Deductibles
  • $0 co-pays
  • Preventative prescription drugs
  • see full schedule of benefits


  • Change Behaviors/Improve Health
  • Individual or Group Consultation
  • Serviced by Actual Doctofs
  • Self-directed, Lasting changes
  • Balance Wellness with Work


  • No-co-pay
  • No Deductible
  • Dependents covered for free
  • Phone, App or Web Chat portal
  • Health Records Management


  • Unlimted Payroll Processing
  • Tax administration
  • Garnishments
  • Direct deposits


  • Electronic Onboarding
  • Task Management
  • Electronic W4 I9
  • Electronic Onboarding adding handbooks
  • E-signature

Time and Attendance

  • Time Tracking via Desktop, Cell Phone, Ipad
  • Rounding Rules
  • Overtime Management
  • Overtime Calc Management
  • Alerts for missed punches
  • many other features

Net Benefits

  • Online Enrollments
  • Alerts for Benefits Eligibility
  • Automatic payroll deductions
  • Benefit Reports
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